Global leader in sustainable architecture old boy speaks to Year 12 Geographers
Thursday, 30 March 2023

The Year 12 Geography students recently enjoyed an online live Q&A session with a global leader in sustainable architecture, old boy Richard Hassell (’83), who “zoomed” into the class from Singapore.

The students quizzed Richard on some of his recent architectural projects in Singapore and around the world.

“I was really impressed by the environmental engineering that goes into his designs,” said Tom Offer (Year 12).

“He is obviously passionate about making cities into places that look attractive but also cater for people in terms of social interaction and that sort of thing,” said Tom Lloyd (Year 12).

“The students were very fortunate to have these insights from an old boy and an expert in the field – they’ve learnt more about urban design and sustainability in half an hour than they might in a whole week in a typical Geography classroom. Our sincere thanks to Richard for taking time out of his day.” said Mr Wyllie, Year 12 Geography teacher.