Our Spiritual Hub - 50 year celebration of the School Chapel
Monday, 7 December 2020
I loved the School Chapel for its uniqueness, spaciousness, its serenity and the sense of place that it engendered with a window onto the changing moods of that beautiful part of Derbal Yerrigan. I loved being soothed by watching the calm purposefulness of boats rounding the spit, having my spirit renewed by occasional sighting of a pod of dolphins and in the early morning, watching the school rowing teams going about their morning training. I revelled in the sense of community when the whole school packed into the Chapel for worship, for assemblies, and above all for concerts and performances.

It was such a contrast to the quiet moments when I had the Chapel all to myseIf - for organ practice is such a solitary pursuit. In that space I gained a sense of confidence in myself as I accompanied chapel services on the organ, and as I learnt the art and traditions of Christian worship and church music. In that space my twin vocations as a musician and as a priest were confirmed, shaped and moulded. Today I mark 36 years as a priest, and more than 50 as an organist and musician - and I am thankful.
Reverend Alexander Scutt (’75)