The Class of ‘95 has had some good reunions over the years and though the numbers were slightly down this year, based on how a few of us felt the next day, the 25-year celebration was every bit as good.
Andy Greig, who has been a teacher at Christ Church for 15 years, kicked off proceedings with a tour of the School which has changed a great deal. After the tour, the group moved on to Claremont Yacht Club where we looked back with rose coloured glasses and relived some of our school days. It was probably the first reunion where name badges came in handy, though as a whole, it was unanimously agreed that the Class of '95 had aged like a good bottle of red, except for Nat Benjenuvatra who hadn’t changed at all. Josh Lovell dialled in for a Zoom call which was a reunion first but clearly a sign of the times. The night wouldn’t have been complete without a heated discussion of how the School was robbed of a first Interschool Athletics Carnival win and it was good to have Pete Blackall back in Perth to get his side of the story.
Emanuel Petros, Cameron Gleeson, Charlie Grover, Matt Swinney, Doug Nixon and Bryant Stokes met in Sydney to mark the occasion, given COVID-19 restrictions that prevented travel to WA. It was great to catch up with everyone, and even see a few ‘95 leavers who had not previously attended a reunion, in what has otherwise been a challenging year.
Haaron Bokhari