Stories of boarding
Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Vivid memories of wet and windy nights on the veranda, initiation pranks, humour, the excitement of sporting competition, terrible food, cold showers and joy of returning home are just some of the stories that boarders will relate to. The boarding house left a lasting impression on John Bell (’55) who has shared these reflections and more in the lead up to an ‘all ages’ boarding reunion on Saturday 14 March 2020. “The best thing that I took away from 11 years at Christ Church was that school mates have become life-long friends. Reconnecting is a highlight of my year,” said John.

Please save the date and watch for event details by email in the new year. Click here to follow John’s reflections.

Photographed: David Sewell (’59), Pierre Edmond De Chazel (’55) and John Bell (’55)